Favourite music: game scores

I love listening to music, and I like a wide variety of genres. My favourite genre is scores from film, TV and games, partly because they’re awesome in their own right, but also because it lets me add soundtracks to ideas in my head, and when I do write, it makes excellent background music. I’ll even happily listen to music from otherwise shite media (Steve Jablonksy’s scores from the Michael Bay Transformers films being a stand out example of terrible to watch but with great music).

As much as I love music, I’m usually pretty terrible at writing about it, so I thought I’d try sharing some of my favourites as a bit of practice. I’m going with game scores (mostly because that’s what I’ve been listening to while gaming lately), and I suspect this is more an insight into my gaming tastes more than my music tastes.

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Vampyr review: a gorgeous vampire game that delivers despite its flaws

Title screen for the video game Vampyr.

Anyone who’s known me for, oh, five minutes? They know I like vampires. A lot. Since I was a child watching The Little Vampire on TV in the 80s. I will consume vampire media like it’s chocolate, so I was especially excited for Vampyr when I heard about it. After months and months of waiting, it finally landed in my grubby paws on Tuesday the 5th, release day. I finished it on the 7th, and I enjoyed it very much, it was a fun game, I loved the vampires, much of the story and lore and the world building. I also did a lot of nomming of bad guys. It was pretty satisfying. So I feel the need to waffle about it and write a review. Advance warning, I’ll be putting actual spoilery content after the bug list, as it’s a pretty obvious place for you to jump off if you want to avoid any important plot points. Anything before that is right at the beginning of the game so is basically on the box and doesn’t count, or discussion about mechanics and how the game works.

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