I’ve been quiet, but I have been taking photos over the past week (the furthest they go back is the 7th), I just haven’t started to sort through them until this weekend. It’s actually been a bit of a chore, because I had over 200 to winnow down, and I’ve still got 60 to do a final sort through and upload (it’ll be less than that, but not much less, just removing pics that have a glaring fault I only notice as I go in to crop). The heat is making me very sluggish, and my lethargy is not helped by the fact I took my meds last night and discovered I’d somehow missed two days of pills. I could have sworn I’d taken them, but evidently not. I decided the sanest thing to do would be batches over a couple of days, so this is batch one, and there will probably be two more.
To add to the meh, I did the watermelon shots and I’m not entirely happy. Most of them got ditched, the lighting was generally crappy, and I basically had way more fun eating the thing than taking photos. I may or may not try again at a later date. As always, there are more up on Flickr.