Getting crafty: Avengers keyring made from melted pony beads

I made some fridge magnets a while back using an Avengers silicon ice cube tray sent to me by @pith by melting pony beads in them. It worked really well, and I’ve been meaning to make a purple one as a keyring (Hawkeye, natch). I got around to it today (and made a few more for more magnets), so I wrote up how to do it because I know a couple of people were interested. So if you want to make these yourself, I’ve got the full instructions up over on Instructables.

And while I’m mentioning Instructables, I feel like I should show off my table made from cardboard, duct tape and papier mache. It won third prize in the 2016 cardboard contest. I’m still pretty chuffed with it, we use it as the bedside table in the spare room.

Keyring of a purple Avengers logo. A rectangular white table with red mosaic patters around the edges and floral mosaic decoration in the middle.

Thinky thoughts on Avengers: Infinity War

I’ve had a lot of thinky thoughts after seeing Avengers: Infinity War twice and discussing it at length with @abjectcheddar, finally gotten around to compiling and clarifying those thoughts.

Obviously, I enjoyed it. Very much. It was well-paced, fun, funny, tragic, and it’s frankly astounding that they pulled off juggling so many characters in two and a half hours without making it feel like anyone was sidelined. It also managed to do what a really good, long fantasy book does for me when it switches between different character story lines. I’ll get into the chapter, the characters and situation, and then be resentful when the next chapter comes along and switches to a different set of characters and plot points. After a few pages, I get sucked in, and get resentful a switching back to the set of the previous chapter that I was resentful about leaving. Infinity War did this for me, and with the mixup of characters there was at no point a chapter that didn’t suck me in or make me think I’d be skipping it when I watch again on Blu-Ray.

Anyhow, the rest of my thoughts contain spoilers. So if you haven’t seen the film yet and have miraculously avoided spoilers (I salute you), then you may want to come back late when you’ve stuffed it into your eyeballs.

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